Create a Theme Section 🔥

Build any sections you want in Foxify and add them to multiple pages in your store, using Shopify's Theme Editor.

About Foxify Theme Section

There are 2 types of sections you can create in Foxify:

  • Static section: The content and layout are managed in the Foxify editor only.

    • 1 Static section type can be inserted on multiple pages at once (think Testimonial section, Review section, FAQ section, etc.). Once you update and publish the design, it will show on all the pages.

    • Shopify usually calls it "Global Section".

  • Dynamic section: The content and layout are managed by the Foxify editor, and editable in Shopify Theme Editor.

    • 1 Dynamic section can be inserted on 1 page.

    • This section type lets you use the same design with different content on different pages.

Create a section with Foxify


  1. In Foxify app, navigate to the menu, go to Sections manager

  2. Click Create section

  3. Select a pre-designed section for a quick start, or create a blank section

  4. Insert the Section title and select the Section type, then click Save

  5. Craft your section using Foxify editor. It works the same as creating pages.

  6. Save and Publish the section when it's ready.

Publishing the custom section in Foxify does not change anything on your storefront.

Foxify simply creates the section and makes it available to you in your Shopify Theme Editor.

Use your custom section in Shopify Theme Editor

You can add the section you have created and published to your theme's templates.

In your Theme Editor (Customize) > click Add section > select the Foxify section you have created.

Sections created in Foxify will start with [Foxify]...

Frequently asked questions

How many sections can I create?

The number of sections you can create depends on your Foxify subscription plan.

To check the plan details, go to Foxify Settings > Plan.

What happens when I delete a custom section in my Foxify?

If you delete a Foxify section from your Foxify app, the section will immediately be removed from your Shopify theme (everywhere it's being used).

What if I have multiple themes?

Custom sections that you create in Foxify will be published to the theme you set the app to work with.

To change the theme, go to Foxify Settings > Account > Theme.

Last updated