App extensions

Get to know Foxify App extensions

An introduction to Foxify App extensions

Understanding that not all merchants are technical, and even if they are, they shouldn't concern themselves with code, Foxify's App extensions aim to remove the challenge of integrating new apps by introducing a streamlined process.

This lets you install 3rd-party apps and get things to run perfectly in just a few clicks, avoiding any potential integration bugs and keeping your storefront untouched.

App extensions listing

The feature provides extensions from both Foxify and other 3rd-party applications (updated regularly) for a wide range of categories.

Marketing & Conversion
Product reviews
Shipping & Delivery
Store design
Store management
Selling products

Install an app extension

Follow the steps below to install an app extension in Foxify.

Bear in mind that you need to install the app to your Shopify store first before activating it as an extension in Foxify.


  1. From your Foxify dashboard, go to App extensions.

  2. Select an app you want from the list.

  3. Click Install extension.

  4. Click Settings to update the extension settings if required.

  5. In your Page editor, add the corresponding app widgets.

How to display your Review Widget and Preview Badge

  • Review widget is the core widget, which collects and shows the product reviews on your product pages. On your page, add a Reviews widget section to display this widget.

  • Rating/ Badge shows the number of your product reviews and the aggregate rating of your products. On your page, Go to Main product information section > add a Star rating block.

For example, here we want to add review to product page:

Here is the result:

Other extensions by FoxEcom partners

shopify apps integrations

Last updated