Learn how to set up and customize the website footer in Sleek theme
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Learn how to set up and customize the website footer in Sleek theme
Last updated
Footer is the content section at the bottom of a web page. The footer menu typically contains quick links to your homepage, about us page, blogs page, contact page, policy page, etc.
A great website footer will help your visitors navigate your site and will lead to a better user experience.
You can freely customize the footer section to suit your business needs, such as adding a footer menu, a newsletter, store contact, and other blocks.
In the theme editor (Customize), click Footer.
Locate and add suitable blocks.
Save the changes.
Follow on Shop allows customers to follow your store on the Shop app. When a customer follows your store, they can receive personalized recommendations and notifications about your products. This helps you to create a more personalized shopping experience for your customers.
To enable the Follow on Shop button, you need to have the Shop channel installed, and Shop Pay activated on your store.
Toggle Show social media icons to display icons for platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
Add the respective social media links under Theme Settings > Social Media.
Allow customers to select their location.
To add a language selector to your footer.
Toggle Show payment icons to display accepted payment methods. Icons will appear in the footer to inform customers of available payment options.
The payment methods here reflect the settings configured in Payments.
Only payment options accepted through Shopify Payments will automatically display their icons when enabled.
Add a menu to the bottom bar of the footer if needed.
There are 4 block types supported in the Footer section:
Display contact details such as address, phone number, and email.
Width (%): Adjust the block's width taken up in the Footer.
Heading: Add a title such as "About" or "Contact Information."
Heading size: Choose "Heading md" for medium-sized text.
Address: Add a physical location (e.g., "Street Address, City, Country").
Working Hours: Specify operating hours (e.g., "9:00 AM - 6:00 PM, Mon to Sun").
Email: Add a support email (e.g., "").
Phone: Include a customer support number (e.g., "+1-202-555-0195").
Mobile Settings:
Open Default: Enable for better visibility on mobile.
Show Divider: Add a separator line if needed.