Promotion banner 🔥
Create an eye-catching Promotion banner section to showcase special offers, discounts, or announcements effectively.
Last updated
Create an eye-catching Promotion banner section to showcase special offers, discounts, or announcements effectively.
Last updated
The Promotion Banner section allows you to highlight important announcements, sales, or special offers on your website. You can customize the banner with text, styles, and a call-to-action button to grab your visitors' attention effectively.
In this article, we will show you how to add a Promotion banner section.
This section is available on ✨ Zest version 9.0.0 onwards. See our Changelog
In the theme editor (Customize) > click Add section
Select Promotion banner.
Make necessary changes.
Save the settings.
See how to adjust the Container settings
See how to adjust the Color scheme settings
See how to adjust the Section padding settings
See how to adjust the Section divider settings
See how to adjust the Custom attributes settings
See how to adjust the Animations settings
You can add a maximum of 2 Text blocks to the Promotion banner section.
Use the provided text fields to add a suitable Heading, Subheading, and Description.
Leave them blank if you do not want to display them
Change the Heading size to the desired size:
Heading - Medium
Heading - Large
Heading - Extra large
Heading - Extra extra large
Mega title - Base
You can also change the Heading color:
Leave it blank if you do not want to use the default color setting in the Color scheme.
Use the Text alignment option to align your text Left, Center, or Right to fit your banner’s layout.
Adjust the Content width of the text block to control how much space it takes up in the banner (370 - 870px).
You can also display a call-to-action button to redirect customers to your desired pages.
The Button label field sets the text displayed on the button
Leave this blank if you do not want to display the button.
Enter the URL where users will be directed when they click the button to the Button link field.
Choose a desired Button style to match your design:
Primary button
Secondary button
White button
Underline button
See how to adjust the Custom attributes settings