Featured collection

How to display products from a selected collection in an engaging and attractive section

Featuring collections can help merchants promote sales and new collections. This article will show you how to add and customize your featured collection section in Zest.

In this article:

How to add a Featured collection section

How to customize your Featured collection section

Featured collection: General settings

Featured collection: Layout settings


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Add section.

  2. Locate Featured collection.

  3. Make necessary changes.

  4. Save.

General settings

Here you can choose to display the collection you want and set up product cards.

  • Select collection to show.

To create collections for your store, see Collections.

Layout Settings

These parts are for adjusting the cards' layout, image aspect ratio, and carousel settings.

1. Layout settings

Select the number of products to show, the number of columns on desktop, and the column gap.

You can also enable swipe on mobile here:

2. Product card

Select the product card's image ratio as:

  • Use global settings

  • Adapt to image

  • Square

  • Portrait

  • Landscape

You can also enable showing vendors under product images.

To set up other addons such as badges, buttons, etc. to the product cards, check out this article:

Product card

You can enable the carousel effect and show navigation/pagination in your featured collection. Carousel shows only when the number of products is larger than the number of columns.

Last updated