
A guide to create and add menu items to build your store's footer

The footer is the content section at the bottom of a web page. The footer menu typically contains quick links to your homepage, about us page, blogs page, contact page, policy page, etc.

A great website footer will help your visitors navigate your site and will lead to a better e-commerce and user experience.

You can freely customize the footer section to suit your business needs, such as adding a footer menu, a newsletter, store contact, and other blocks.


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Footer

  2. Locate and add suitable blocks

  3. Save

General settings


Zest currently provides 3 containers for the footer section to choose from:

  • Full width

  • Stretched width

  • Fixed width

Color scheme

Select the color scheme based on your needs by choosing:

  • Accent color

  • Background 1

  • Background 2

  • Inverse

A copyright notice informs the public that the work is protected by copyright. To know more about copyright, see Copyright.

You can enable/disable showing copyright notice by ticking/unticking the checkbox.

Follow on Shop

Follow on Shop allows customers to follow your store on the Shop app. When a customer follows your store, they can receive personalized recommendations and notifications about your products. This helps you to create a more personalized shopping experience for your customers.

Follow on Shop button is available on Zest version 6.0.0 and above.

To enable the Follow on Shop button, you need to have the Shop channel installed, and Shop Pay activated on your store.


The same as the header, this element provides extra information for the footer such as social media icons, language selector, payment methods, etc. by ticking/unticking the corresponding checkboxes.

Check out this article to learn how to set up Currency for your store:

Countries/ Regions

Check out this article to learn how to set up Language for your store:


Payment methods

Providing various purchasing methods makes checkout easier for your customers and enhances your brand perception. To see how to set up alternative payment methods for your store, see Payments.

You can enable/disable showing payment icons by ticking/unticking the checkbox.

Block settings

Each block comes with a setting to Open collapsible tab by default on mobile view.

Display the existing menu that you have already created in Shopify admin > Navigation.

Contact bar

Display your store contact info here:


Keep the newsletter signup form checked to collect your customers' email addresses for email marketing campaign purposes.


Display store details, promotions, or brand content with your customers.

Empty column

You can use this block to adjust the space between existing columns.

Last updated