
A guide to create a pop-up for your Shopify store

This article helps you create your store's pop-up in Zest to collect emails, promote sales, cross-sell products, etc.

What is a pop-up?

A pop-up is an overlay that stops on-site visitors and displays an informational or promotional message to grab their attention. A popup can be a great way to grow your email list, get more newsletter signups, and boost sales.

How to set up a pop-up?


  1. In the theme editor (Customize)

  2. On the left-sidebar, locate Pop-up

  3. Make necessary changes

  4. Save.

Pop-up block settings

In your pop-up, you can add:

  • Heading and Text: Fill in your heading and text for the pop-up. You can only change the text size of the heading.

  • Image: Select an image shown in your pop-up can image position (Top/Left)

  • Button: Edit your button label

  • Discount code: Fill in the discount code you want to offer your visitors and the apply button label. To know more about discounts and discount codes, see Discounts.

  • Social links: Showcase your store's social links. The social icons shown will be based on your Theme settings > Social media > Social accounts.

Pop-up section settings

Design Mode

Enable design mode to make the pop-up always displays during setup on the customize page.

General Settings

  • Enable

  • Show on homepage only

  • Show for visitors only

  • Trigger open automatically: 4 options

+ Open immediately after page loaded

+ Delay 5 seconds after page loaded

+ Customers scrolling down

+ Customer is leaving the website

The last option (Customer is leaving the website) is only working on the desktop. On mobile, the pop-up will appear after the page is loaded.

  • Repeat open automatically: Set the time before your pop-up appears again.

  • Text alignment (Left/Center).

  • Container width: Slide to adjust.

Teaser button

Enable/disable the teaser button by ticking/unticking the checkbox and filling in the button label.

You can also change the colors of the teaser pop-up background and text here.

Last updated