Image with text overlay

A guide to customize Image with text overlay in Zest theme

The Image with text overlay section uses a high-resolution image, text, and a call-to-action button to display immersive content.

How to add an Image with text overlay section


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Add section

  2. Locate Image with text overlay

  3. Save

How to edit an Image with text overlay section

Section settings

1. Layout settings

Adjust section height as Adapt to image/ Small/ Medium/ Large

2. Image settings

Add an image for better illustration and adjust its position. You can add a parallax effect if needed.

3. Text settings

This section is for adjusting the content text position, color, and size. Utilize the provided text field to add a suitable heading/subheading. You can leave it blank if you do not want to display it.

4. Button settings

You can also display a call-to-action button to redirect customers to your desired pages. Add a Label and Link for one or both, then choose a Button style and adjust the Button size.

Block settings

Similar to Image with text, you can add a heading, subheading, text, and a call-to-action button to your Image with text overlay. Drag and drop to reorder the blocks within the section.

Last updated