Contact form

A guide to add a contact form to your online store

A contact form is helpful in generating leads, boosting sales and conversions by understanding your customers' needs.

How to add a Contact form


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Add section.

  2. Locate Contact form.

  3. Make necessary changes.

  4. Save.

How to edit a Contact form

Use the following settings to set up a contact form for:

1. Form settings

In form settings, you are able to adjust form width, choose to display form alignment, and set up submit button.

2. Field name

To collect your visitor's name, you can choose to set up this section as required.

3. Field email

This field is required for the form to submit successfully.

4. Field phone

To collect your visitor's phone number, you can choose to set up this section as required.

5. Field message

This field is required for the form to submit successfully.

Last updated