Gallery images

Everything you will need to know on how to setup your image gallery section

Inspire your customers by showcasing compelling images like a gallery, giving them a better understanding of the items and browsing your products more easily.

This section is available on ✨ Zest version 7.0.0 onwards. See our Changelog


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Add section.

  2. Locate Gallery images.

  3. Make necessary changes.

  4. Save.

Section settings

Section header

Give your section a heading and description, then adjust the heading size if needed.

Grid settings

Set the number of Images per row: 2-12 products.

You can also adjust the Column gap between them.

Enable the carousel on the desktop view if needed by selecting The number of Images > The number of Images per row).

Once the carousel on desktop view is enabled, you can also show navigation and pagination to the section.

Block settings

Each block comes with an option for you to select the image and attach the image link.

Last updated