Product cards

Learn how to edit product cards in Sleek theme


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings.

  2. Locate Product cards.

  3. Make necessary changes.

  4. Save.

You can control the product image ratio, content, buttons, and badge to show on the product cards.

Image settings

In this setting, you can choose Style, Content alignment, and Color scheme for all Product cards in the store.

Choose the image ratio of the product cards:

  • Adapt to image

  • Square (1:1)

  • Portrait (3:4)

  • Landscape (4:3)


Decide what to show on your product cards, including:

  • Show the second image on hover;

  • Show vendor;

  • Show product rating.

Button and Badges

In the Button Settings, you can enable/ disable to show:

  • Quick Add: Let customers add items to their cart without visiting the product page (only for products without variants).

For products with variants, the button will become a "Choose options" button.

  • Quick View: Let customers preview the detailed product information without visiting the product page.

  • Choose options: Set action for the Quick Add button on products with variants either as opening a simplified pop-up modal or going to the product page.

The opened pop-up when selecting the "Choose options" button includes the product's basic information:

  • product title

  • product price

  • variants

  • quantity selector

  • buy buttons

  • Sold Out badge: Set action for the Quick Add button on products with variants either as opening a simplified pop-up modal or going to the product page.

Sale badge

In the Badges Settings, you can choose to display or hide the badge.

Also, choose to show Sale badge type as text, percentage, or a fixed amount.

Mobile layout

You can choose to hide the Quick Add button and the Quick View button on mobile view.

Last updated