Product cards
Customize the appearance and functionality of product cards across your store
Last updated
Customize the appearance and functionality of product cards across your store
Last updated
In the theme editor (Customize), click Theme settings.
Locate Product cards.
Make necessary changes.
In this setting, you can choose Style, Content alignment, and Color scheme for all Product cards in the store.
Style: Choose the style for product cards as Standard/Card.
Content alignment: Define the alignment of the text and elements on each product card as Left/Center/Right.
Card color scheme: Set the color scheme for product cards. You can edit the colors in Theme Settings > Colors. Learn more Colors
Image ratio: Adjust the aspect ratio of the product images to fit your preference.
Adapt to image
Square (1:1)
Portrait (3:4)
Landscape (4:3)
Decide what to show on your product cards, including:
Show the second image on hover: Enable this to show the second product image when a customer hovers over a product card.
Show vendor: Display the vendor name on the product card.
Show type: Show the product type on the card.
Show sold out badge: Display a "Sold Out" badge on out-of-stock products.
Go to Actions > Edit default theme content to change the label of the sold out badge.
To change the badge colors, go to Theme settings > Colors.
In the Button Settings, you can enable/ disable:
Quick add button: Let customers add items to their cart without visiting the product page (only for products without variants).
For products with variants, the button will become a "Choose options" button.
"Choose options" action:
Open popup: Open a Quick View popup with the detailed product information.
Go to product page.
Quick view button: Allow customers to preview product details in a quick view modal without leaving the page.
To customize your Quick view, see Quick view
Select the option Enable color swatches to display color swatches for product with multiple color variants.
Make sure you have entered your Color swatch trigger in Theme settings > Color swatches
Set the number of maximum swatches to show in the product cards: between 1-6.
For products that have more colors than the maximum number you set, the other swatches will be displayed as numbers.
Swatch type: Choose between custom color swatch, Shopify swatch, or variant image (each variant must have a corresponding image).
✍️ Learn how they are different: 4. Variant picker
Show sale badge: Display a sale badge for products with a discount (Compare-at price).
Sale badge type: Choose the badge type (Text, Percentage, or Fixed amount).
Hide Quick add button on mobile: Hide the quick add button for mobile views to streamline the mobile shopping experience.