Cart drawer

Learn how to set up Cart Drawer in Sleek theme

Cart drawer (also known as the slide-out cart, or side cart) allows customers to view and manage their shopping cart without leaving the current page.

Overall, a cart drawer is useful for improving the user experience and increasing conversions to an online store. By giving an enhanced customer experience, you can reduce cart abandonment rate of your store.

How to enable the cart drawer for your store


  1. From the theme editor (Customize), navigate to Theme settings > Cart.

  2. Set the Cart type as Drawer.

  1. Change the cart icon and cart empty recommendations if needed.

  2. Save the changes.

How to customize your cart drawer

General settings

  • Show cart note: To allow customers to leave a note for their order.

  • Show shipping rates calculator: To display a tool that lets customers estimate their shipping costs before they proceed to the checkout page.

Free shipping goal

Offering free shipping can reduce cart abandonment and even entice customers to make a purchase. With Sleek, you can set up a free shipping message based on orders over certain order values.

Make sure you have set up your free shipping rates. See how

  • Free shipping minimum amount: Fill in the minimum spend for free shipping.

If your store is multi-currencies separate each currency code by its amount.

Use a round number without currency, symbols, or letters as the minimum spend for free shipping.

Cart recommendation

The Cart recommendation presents complementary product recommendations upon cart addition. The recommendations are dynamic and based on the items in your cart. They change and improve with time.

Shopify Search & Discovery app is required to display product recommendations.

To learn more about the recommendation logic, see Shopify's Recommendations.

To customize the recommendation list displayed on your product page and cart recommendations, see Shopify Help Center.

Last updated