
Learn how to create a pop-up for your Shopify store with Sleek

What is a pop-up?

A pop-up is an overlay that stops on-site visitors and displays an informational or promotional message to grab their attention.

A pop-up can be a great way to grow your email list, get more newsletter sign-ups, and boost sales.

How to set up a pop-up


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), locate Overlay group > Pop-up.

  2. Make necessary changes.

  3. Save.

Configure your pop-up

General settings

  • Enable: Add a pop-up on your storefront.

  • Show on home page only: Show the pop-up on your home page only.

  • Show for visitors only: Show the popup for visitors only. The users who log into their accounts on your website will not see the popup.

  • Trigger open automatically: Set when the popup is displayed:

    • right after the page loaded;

    • 5 seconds after the page is loaded;

    • when customer is scrolling down.

  • Repeat open automatically: Control how often it appears to visitors.

  • Text alignment: Set how the pop-up content is aligned.

  • Container width: Set the width of your pop-up.

Teaser button

Enable the teaser button if you want your visitors to open the pop-up manually any time they want.

You can change the button label and its colors.

Block settings

In your pop-up, you can select the following:

  • Heading and Text: Fill in your heading and text for the pop-up. You can only change the text size of the heading.

  • Image: Select an image shown in your pop-up image position (Top/ Left).

  • Button: Add a button that links to your desired page.

  • Newsletter form: Add a newsletter form to your popup. There are 2 designs that you can choose from:

  • Discount code: Fill in the discount code you want to offer your visitors and the apply button label. To know more about discounts and discount codes, see Discounts.

  • Social links: Showcase your store's social icons that you have set in Theme settings > Social media.

Last updated