Lookbook cards 🔥

Create a visually striking Lookbook section that highlights your products in action.

The Lookbook cards section helps you showcase multiple products in stunning pop-ups in a combination of captivating visuals and easy navigation. Include pins of products on images in which each pin directs customers to the product details, creating an interactive shopping experience and boosting sales with this dynamic feature.

In this article, we will show you how to add a Lookbook cards section.

How to add a Lookbook cards section to your Shopify store


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), click Add section.

  2. Select Lookbook cards.

  3. Make necessary changes.

  4. Save the settings.

How to edit a Lookbook cards section

Section settings

Section header

Choose your preferred section header's Layout: Vertical/ Standing column.

Use the provided text fields to add a suitable Heading. Leave it blank if you do not want to display it.

Change the Heading size as you like:

  • Heading xs

  • Heading sm

  • Heading md

  • Heading lg

  • Heading xl

  • Heading 2xl

  • Display md

  • Display lg

  • Display xl.

Highlight text

Use the provided text fields to add a suitable Subheading and Description. Leave them blank if you do not want to display them

You can also change the Description size to Small/ Base size/ Large to make the content look balanced on your website.

Add a call-to-action button that directs customers to the targeted page specified in the Button link field. Add a Button label then choose a Button style (Primary button/ Secondary button/ Underline button).

If the Show on heading section on desktop checkbox is selected, the button will display on the section header. By default, this button when added will show at the end of the section.

Select a preferred Image to display on top of the section header and adjust the image width (size) between 60px and 200px. The image height will be scaled proportionally.

Grid settings

Use the slider to adjust the Number of columns on desktop (between 2 and 4) for the Products blocks.

Control the spacing between the blocks by selecting Column gap and Row gap options:

  • Column gap: Extra large/ Large/Medium/Small/ Extra small/ None.

  • Row gap: Extra large/ Large/Medium/Small/ Extra small/ None/ Same as the column gap.

You can Enable the carousel on desktop (the number of added Products blocks > the number of columns on desktop).

Product cards

Select the product card's Image ratio as:

  • Use global settings

  • Adapt to image

  • Square (1:1)

  • Portrait (3:4)

  • Landscape (4:3)

To adjust the Use global settings of the Product cards, navigate to the Theme settings > Product cards.

See more: Product cards

Mobile layout

If you are not into the grid layout on mobile view, you can use the carousel layout by selecting the option Enable swipe on mobile.

Block settings

Add Products blocks to showcase your stunning images and interactive product lists within each block.

  • Add up to 8 Product blocks to the section.

  • Pin up to 5 products for each block.

Select an Image for each of the product lists.

Enter the Heading text to display as the title of the product list pop-up in the lookbook card and set a Heading size for it. Leave it blank if you do not want to display it.

Best practices


  • Use images of the default ratio of 3/4 so that the images won't be cropped.

  • For each image, pin it with 1-3 products for best optimization and visual effects.

Last updated