Related products

How to display related products of the current product page

Related products are products that are similar to a selected product. You can display potential substitutes to help customers discover other similar products they might like.


  1. In the theme editor (Customize), open the template selector

  2. Select Products, then Default product.

  3. On the left-side bar, add Related products.

  4. Make necessary changes > Save.

You can adjust the elements based on your needs to display the recommendation section such as heading, number of products to show, per row, etc. in the section settings.

Automatically generated product recommendations

Related product recommendations are automatically generated for each product in your store. When you're customizing recommendations for a product in the Search & Discovery app, you can see a preview of the generated recommendations.

Shopify has built-in strategies to adjust these product recommendations based on products that are commonly purchased together, have a similar product description, or products in related collections. Each strategy has its own requirements in order to be used:

  • Purchase history: The product needs previous sales to assess buying behavior.

  • Product description: Only available to merchants with an English storefront.

  • Related collections: Used when recommendations based on purchase history and product descriptions aren't available.

It's not possible to edit the generated product recommendations, but you can add your own recommendations manually.

The generated recommendations for a product change frequently. It is common to have different recommendations when you revisit a product page as Shopify suggests new products that might be more relevant to shoppers. The product recommendations previewed in the Search & Discovery app will often be different than storefront for this reason.

Create product recommendations

Customize product recommendations that display on your product page.


  1. In the Shopify Search & Discovery app, click Product recommendations, and then click Add recommendations.

  2. Select a product that you want to customize product recommendations for.

  3. Select up to 10 Complementary products.

  4. Select up to 10 Related products to recommend. Set the product to display only the custom recommendations or to display both custom recommendations and automatically generated recommendations.

  5. Click Save.

Last updated