Product information
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Last updated
Accurate, reliable, and in-depth product details help customers find the information they need to make the best purchase decisions.
Accurate, reliable, and in-depth product details help customers find the information they need to make the best purchase decisions.
This section provides crucial data that belongs to an individual product such as price, title, quantity selector, etc.
You can change the product information by re-ordering, removing, and adding more blocks.
In the theme editor (Customize), open the template selector
Select Products > then Default product.
On the left-sidebar, add Product information.
Make necessary changes > Save.
Enable history state to the browser's URL;
Enable the FoxKit's Variant group images feature
To set up Variant group images, see this article.
Show the wishlist icon.
To set up your wishlist page, see this article.
The product information blocks let you display the product title, price, variants selector, full description, and other add-ons.
Highlight key product features via multiple product labels with icons, that are perfect for capturing customers' attention.
Enable/ disable delivery estimation, shipping text, and returns. Add important info regarding the delivery, shipping text, and the number of days that the package will arrive.
Enable/disable the "Show dynamic checkout button" to include a direct-to-checkout button. Other buttons such as Add-to-cart or quantity selector can be displayed if needed.
Learn more about Dynamic checkout buttons here.
Control the layout of the product media on desktop:
Horizontal slider
Vertical slider
Show featured media by default or show the selected variant's image on the page load;
Image zoom
Video autoplay
Show thumbnails on mobile
When the Add-to-Card button of the product information block is not in the viewport, the Sticky Add-to-Cart appears.
This makes it easy for customers to select products and streamline the checkout process.
You can enable this feature on desktop and/or mobile view.
You can set other add-ons to display on your Sticky Add-to-Cart like dynamic checkout buttons, wishlist button, or compare button.
Displaying complementary products to customers makes it easier for them to discover new products and it is an effective cross-sell tactic to increase average order value.
Give a Heading to the block and set the Heading size.
Then, set the maximum number of complementary products to display (between 1-10 products).
You can also set the block to display the suggested items in one or two rows.
Set the Image aspect ratio to the Product card and select the Color scheme you want.
Learn how to use the Shopify Search & Discovery app to choose complementary products for your website’s product pages.
Need to add a metafield definition with the namespace and key "descriptor.short_description" to display.
Learn more about Shopify Metafields here.
Text that is formatted with common formatting options, such as bold and italics, that are unavailable with plain text.
A badge or seal that merchants put on their websites which meant to instill trust in their potential customers.
Add a heading and image for the badge. Merchants can control the image width and the heading position.
Enable/disable collection list, SKU, product vendor, availability, and SKU.
Add a heading and the extra information of the tabs. Merchants can also add content using custom liquid.
Enable/disable add to compare, ask a question form, and social share buttons.
Add text in the provided space for the field name, options, and placeholder. Display this block as required or show it at the checkout.
For the field type, there are 3 options: single-line text, multi-line text, and select.
Add codes in the provided field.
Add text in the provided space for the field name. Display this block as required or show it at the checkout.