Add a gift wrap option to my cart

A guide to add a gift-wrapping service option on your cart page and cart drawer

You can offer the gift-wrapping service to your customers on the cart page and cart drawer page of your online store. With this extra service, you would be able to generate higher average order value (which essentially is the revenue) and more satisfying customer experiences.

Create a gift-wrap product

  • You can use the product description section to explain what materials will be used to gift-wrap the items (for example, glossy papers, recycled materials, etc.)

  • Give your gift-wrap product the price that you want to charge for the service. If you want to provide the gift-wrapping service for free, simply set the price of your gift-wrap product to be 0.

  • You can upload an image of the product to illustrate to customers what a gift-wrapped order will look like.

  • For customers choosing this gift-wrapping service, you can charge on a per-product basis by setting the product price.

Create a menu

Next, create a menu that points to your gift-wrap product.

Once you've done this, refresh your store and check it! 🎉

Customers can also leave a gift message (optional):

Last updated