Save a page as a template

A guide to save your own pre-made templates for future use

Custom templates help you speed up your creation and design process while ensuring that all pages are consistently qualified.

In this article, you'll learn how to save a page as a pre-made template and reuse it in future projects or campaigns.

How to save a page as a custom template

After creating a perfect template of any page type, hit Save.

Then click on the three-dot icon next to the button > select Save as template.

You will be prompted to set a name for this template. Add a name and Save it.

Once created, these pages will appear in the Templates library > Your saved templates.

How to use your custom templates

To start using our custom templates, simply create a new page and select it from the list of Your saved templates. Couldn't be easier!

How to rename your custom templates


  1. In your Foxify Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Your library

  2. In the Page templates tab, select the three-dot icon next to the template name

  3. Click Rename

  4. Fill in the new name for your template

  5. Hit Enter, or click anywhere outside the text field to save.

How to delete your custom templates


  1. In your Foxify Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Your library

  2. In the Page templates tab, select the three-dot icon next to the template name

  3. Hit Delete.

Last updated