Link menus to Foxify layout

A guide to link your menus to your own header and footer in Foxify

With Foxify, you can design your own header and footer in the page editor. To do so, you must set your Page layout as Foxify layout.

In this article, we will show you how to link your menus to Foxify layout.

Before we start

To add a menu to your Foxify header/footer, make sure you've created relevant menus.

Check out this article to learn more about Foxify Menus section.

Adding a menu to Foxify header


  1. In your Page editor, select the Header section.

  2. Click Add block and add Menu.

  3. Click Select menu and select a menu you've created in Foxify.

  4. Hit Select.

  5. Save the settings.

You can add and use two different menus for the desktop view and the mobile view respectively.


  1. In your Page editor, select the Footer section.

  2. Click Add block to add a Grid block.

  3. Click Add block by the grid to add a Column within the grid.

  4. Click Add block by the column > select Menu.

  5. Click Menu to open the element's settings bar.

  6. Click Select menu > choose one you've created in Foxify.

  7. Hit Select.

  8. Save the settings.

Last updated