Trial & Plan Subscription
Does FoxKit have a free trial?
Yes, FoxKit offers a 14-day free trial on all paid plans.
When do the monthly limits reset?
They reset to 0 on the 1st of every month.
What happens when I reach or exceed my usage?
You will not be able to create new plugins. Any functions based on monthly limits, such as email notifications and impressions, will stop displaying on your store.
What will happen when I downgrade my plan?
If you downgrade your app plan, your usage limitation will be reduced to that plan.
All features above the usage limit will be locked from creating new ones - but they still work well.
Can I cancel or change my plan?
You can cancel your subscription or change your plan at any time. You will be back to the Free plan with limited usage, and some features might be inaccessible.
Where do I find my billing history?
To see the billing history, please go to the Billing page in your store admin.
Last updated