FoxEcom Rights & Obligations

FoxEcom Rights

As the proprietor of this Affiliate Program, it is imperative for you to comprehend that we possess the authority to enforce actions following this Agreement and our Affiliate.

We reserve the right to monitor your methods of promoting our products and services. Additionally, we retain the prerogative to amend our Program Agreement whenever we deem it appropriate and necessary.

Moreover, we are committed to taking appropriate measures against Affiliates who fail to adhere to the terms outlined in this Agreement. This includes the possibility of immediate termination of the Agreement and potential retention of any Affiliate Share accrued through fraudulent activities.

FoxEcom Obligations

In addition to our rights, we pledge to adhere to the following obligations:

  • Timely Payment: We undertake to remunerate the Affiliate promptly per the agreed Payment Policies, provided there are no breaches of the agreement or instances of fraudulent activity.

  • Transparent Communication: We are committed to furnishing clear and comprehensive information regarding the features and pricing plans of our products and services.

  • Provision of Adequate Assets: We will ensure the provision of sufficient assets necessary for promotional activities.

  • Compliance with International Trade Regulations: We will refrain from engaging in any behavior or practice that is considered to be condemned and penalized by International Trade Regulations.

Last updated