🎨What is FoxStudio?

FoxStudio is the most updated version of a page builder, offering you a free-form canvas to design and build.

New to FoxStudio? Learn what it is now

In this article, we'll explore the different features and sections of FoxStudio to help you make the most of your design journey.

The Top Bar

The Top Bar menu in FoxStudio helps you manage the page and offers quick access to app settings.

From left to right, we have:

  1. Menu

  2. Publish settings

  3. Autosave option

  4. Device selector

  5. Editor preferences

  6. Undo/ Redo

  7. Preview/ View mode

  8. Publish/ Save settings

This is your magic portal.

You can access everywhere in Foxify app from here:

  • Foxify Dashboard

  • Pages Manager

  • Section Manager

  • Translation

  • Analytics,

  • User settings, including:

    • Plan

    • Library

    • Account

  • Help resources, including:

    • Shortcuts

    • Help Center

    • Video tutorials

    • Changelog

Publish settings

In Publish settings, you can edit your page details to perfection before it goes live!

In Page Publish settings, you can update:

  • Page title

  • URL and handle

  • Page layout

  • SEO settings, including:

    • SEO title

    • SEO description

    • Social sharing image

Autosave option

You can set your editor to save automatically after every change you make, or you can disable the feature to save your customize manually.

See how to enable Autosave for your page: Autosave

Device selector

View and edit your canvas on different viewports for the most common devices (desktop, tablet, mobile) to ensure a flawless experience!

Editor preferences

You can set how you want to work with your editor.

In the Editor preferences, you can enable/disable:

  • Show grids guide

  • Show snap lines

  • Show container borders

  • Enable autosave.

To learn more about Grids guide and Snap lines, see Grids guide and Snap lines

Undo/ Redo

You can undo and redo changes made to your design in the editor. See more Undo & Redo

Preview/ View live page

Preview your progress in realtime, ensuring your design aligns with your vision.

If your storefront password is on, make sure you provide Foxify with your password to view the page.

See more Basic settings

Publish/ Save settings

Control when and how your changes are visible to your users. These include:

  • Save: Manually save changes you made in the editor.

  • Publish: Publish the page/changes to your theme.

  • Save & Publish: Save the changes and publish them to your theme.

  • Unpublish: Unpublish a published page.

  • Save as template: Save the template as your own custom template for future projects. See more Save a page as a template

  • Import/Export: Import a page to Foxify or export a Foxify page you have created.

  • Translate content: Localize your page content if you sell in multiple languages.

  • Publish settings: Navigate to the Publish settings of your current page.

The Left Sidebar

The Left Sidebar in FoxStudio helps you access all your editor tools to build a page.

From top to bottom, we have:

  1. Add elements panel

  2. Add sections panel

  3. Page layers

  4. Add app blocks panel

  5. Page templates

  6. More page settings

  7. More actions

Add elements panel

  • Basic elements (Text, Buttons, Media, etc.)

  • Advanced elements (Layout, Tabs, etc.)

  • Shopify elements (Single product, Products, Collections, Blog posts, etc.)

Add sections panel

Think of sections as the building blocks of your page. They allow you to easily structure and organize your content in a clear and visually appealing way.

In the editor, you can add a blank section to start from scratch, a wireframe, or a pre-designed section. The sections are organized by purpose (Banner grid, Collapsible content, Countdown timer, etc.). Whatever type of section you choose, you can add all the elements you need and customize them to suit the section's intent.

🎨Working with Sections

Page layers


Add app blocks panel

Add app widgets to your pages using Foxify's App extensions.

For some apps, you will need to check for the result on the live page, when the page has been published.

Page templates

Preview and use a Foxify template or your saved template to your current page any time.

Simply Preview the template > Select on the one you like.

More page settings

These include:

  • Custom codes

  • Page revisions

  • Theme settings

Custom code

Add custom CSS and custom JS to your current page as you like if you're familiar with coding knowledge.

Custom codes added here only affect pages using this template. If you want to add custom codes that work for all Foxify pages, please use the option in the Theme settings instead.

Page revisions

Click the clock icon to view the version history. Here, you can browse all saved versions of your page, preview them, and revert to a previous version in seconds.

The number of page revisions you can view and revert to depends on your app plan.

To check your plan details, go to Foxify Settings > Plan.

Theme settings

Use Theme settings to make changes to your page Layout, Product cards, Collection cards, Currency format, and so on.

When you make changes in your theme settings, the changes apply to your entire Foxify pages.

More actions

Find available 24/7 resources to leverage your journey with Foxify!

  • Notifications: Access all the page's notifications (whether when the page is created or published) to be on track.

  • Product updates and announcements: Check out Foxify's latest updates and announcements.

  • Chat with us: Get in touch with our dedicated support team via live chat 💪

The Inspector Panel

You can edit the settings and designs of elements, sections, and pages in the Inspector panel.

Modify element sizes for different breakpoints, adjust designs and layout, add animations, and more.

Read more in:

Inspector Panel

Last updated