General settings

In this article, you'll learn about the general settings tab of Foxify.

General Settings


As readers scroll up and down the site, the animation, when enabled, is triggered following one of the following conditions:

  • The element comes into view

  • After the page loads

  • On hovering over the element

Animations can add some flair, impress customers, and encourage them to engage more.

After selecting the Trigger condition for your Animation, you can choose the Animation type, its duration, and the delay time.

  • Animation type:

    • Fade in

      • Fade in up

      • Fade in down

      • Fade in left

      • Fade in right

    • Tada

    • Shake X

    • Shake Y

    • Head shake

    • Heart beat

    • Bounce in

    • Wobble

    • Swing

    • Flip in X

    • Light speed in right

    • Light speed in left

    • Spin

  • Duration: between 0.1s-2s

  • Delay time to perform the animation: 0-2s

💡 On the page outline, an element with activated animation has the icon by its name.


The Visibility setting lets you show or hide the element on different devices, including Desktop/ Laptop/ Tablet/ Mobile.

By default, an element is visible to all 4 device views:

  • Mobile

  • Tablet

  • Laptop

  • Desktop

To hide the element in a particular view, uncheck the option.


We want to hide the Testimonials section on tablet and mobile view.

In the Visibility settings, simply uncheck the options Show on tablet and Shop on mobile.

Custom attributes

Although Foxify offers a large variety of attributes, we understand that giving customers the freedom of creativity and execution is necessary.

That's when Custom attributes come in handy.

Once an element is selected, this can be found at the bottom of the General settings tab.

Supported attributes include:

  • ID

  • CSS classes

If you want to add multiple CSS class names to the field, make sure to leave a space between the classes.

All the settings set in that selected block will be overwritten by the Custom attributes (if present).

Last updated