
Advanced analytics & report to ensure your Foxify pages are performing at their best

Foxify's analytics and reports allow you to review your pages' activity and get insight into your visitors for any date range.

Activate Analytics with Foxify

From your Foxify Dashboard, click the Activate analytics button to start tracking your Foxify pages' performance.

By clicking the Activate analytics button, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Key metrics of Foxify Analytics

Sessions and visitors

The number of sessions and the number of visitors are based on cookies.

Cookies are small files stored on a shopper's device, such as a desktop or smartphone, when they visit your online store.

One cookie identifies the device (the visitor). Another cookie keeps track of the length of the session.

A session ends after 30 minutes of no activity and at midnight UTC.

Because the same visitor can have multiple sessions, the number of sessions is usually higher than the number of visitors.

Example: A shopper views products in your store for 20 minutes, then returns to your store 2 hours later for another 10 minutes. Two sessions and one visitor are reported. If the shopper instead views your store for 5 minutes, leaves, and returns 10 minutes later, then one session and one visitor are reported.