Image banner

A guide to use an image banner section to its full potentials

What is an image banner and why do you need it?

An image banner is a large image that usually spans the full width of the page. Great banners are generally composed of three elements:

  • An eye-catching image

  • Compelling copy

  • A strong call-to-action (CTA)

A thoughtful combination of each of these elements can lead to a persuasive banner image that compels the visitor to take the action you want them to, helping to boost conversion rates.

Below are some examples of Image banner sections in Foxify pre-made templates:

When should you use an image banner?

Let’s take a look at some of the most common approaches for using image banners:

  • To build your brand and tell your story.

  • To answer customer questions.

  • To highlight your value proposition.

  • To make an announcement

Customize an Image banner

Section settings

Layout settings

Select the banner height:

If you set your banner height as Custom height, tweak the toggle to adjust the value as you wish:

Image settings

Select your image banner. You can upload different images for desktop view and mobile view.

Content settings

These settings let you select your image banner's content position, the text alignment, and enable content container/boxed content if needed.

Mobile layout

Uncheck Show content above image if you want to display the content below the banner in mobile view.

Block settings

In this section, you can add child blocks for a heading, subheading, rich text, and buttons. You can add up to two buttons for one image banner section.