Page revisions

In this article, you'll learn how to view your page's saved history and how to restore it.

Websites' appearances are constantly changing and evolving. After all, trial and error is a great method for experimenting with new designs and inspiration.

With this in mind, Foxify offers Page revisions feature, allowing you to roll back your page to any previously saved version of your content.

You can check and restore any saved versions of your page.


  1. From your Foxify dashboard, select the page you would like to check for its history version, or to revise.

  2. In the page editor, select the Page revisions option in the Left sidebar to open the revisions pop-up.

  3. In the revision pop-up, you can find a list of saved history.

  4. You can preview the saved versions of the page, switch between versions, and revert back to any previous one.

  5. Hit Restore to switch to a different version.

Manage Page Revision

Rename Page Revision

  1. From your Foxify dashboard, select the page template you would like to check for its history version, or to revise.

  2. In the page editor, select the Page revisions option to open the revisions pop-up.

  3. In the revisions pop-up, you can find a list of saved history.

Lock Page Revision

  1. From your Foxify dashboard, select the page you would like to check for its history version, or to revise.

  2. In the page editor, select the Page revisions option open the revisions pop-up.

  3. In the revisions pop-up, you can find a list of saved history.

Delete Page Revision

  1. From your Foxify dashboard, select the page you would like to check for its history version, or to revise.

  2. In the page editor, select the Page revisions option open the revision pop-up.

  3. In the revisions pop-up, you can find a list of saved history.

Page revisions work for manual save actions only.

Last updated