Favorite products

Learn how to create and customize your Favorite products section to highlight best-selling or specially featured items.

This article will show you how to customize a Favorite products section. You can use this section to share information about specific products, describe features, or showcase customers' reviews.

Customize a Favorite products section

Section settings

This is for you to add your products list heading and subheading.

Section header

Use this block to give your section a heading, subheading, or description.

Products list

Add products you want to display, their featured images and/or descriptions if needed.

Customize your Products list block

You can add and edit a maximum of ten types of child blocks to the Products list block in the Favorite products section, namely:

  • Block

  • Heading

  • Text

  • Button

  • Icon

  • Image

  • Add to cart button

  • Buy now button

  • Countdown

  • Custom code