Manage my FoxHome account

In this article, you'll learn how to manage your FoxHome account, including account details, password, and access permissions.

Types of FoxHome account

There are 2 account types in FoxHome: Owner account and Guest account.

Owner AccountGuest Account

What it is

The account having the same email as the Shopify store

The account that does not have the same email as the Shopify store (aka deveveloper, designer, or agency account)

Login session


7-day by default. Owner can change to 1-day, 3-day, 30-day, or permanent access

Account permission

Can add/ edit/ or delete store details

Can not add/ edit/ or delete store details

Only the Owner Account can change the Account Settings options

Manage your account


  1. In your FoxHome account, select Account Settings.

  2. In the Account Settings page, you can choose to update your account details and password.

Last updated