
A guide to edit multicolumn section in Foxify

You can utilize a multicolumn section to showcase your store's services and other details.

Customize a multicolumn section header

First, you need to add a multicolumn section to your page. Choose a preset that best fits your needs.

In your section header block, you can easily add, remove, or reorder child blocks.

  • Child block can be a heading, sub-heading, or rich text.

Customize your multicolumn grid

Grid settings

Layout settings

Here you can set your column layout for column elements and image /icon for vertical alignment.

  • Vertical alignment settings work with horizontal layout only.

Desktop layout

Select your number of columns between 1 and 12 and the column gap by tweaking the toggles.

Mobile layout

Similar to desktop layout, mobile layout lets you set your number of columns shown on mobile view (1 column/2 columns) and the column gap.

Check Enable swipe on mobile to display the blog posts grid in horizontal order with a slider on mobile view.

Customize your column

You can add and edit a maximum of nine child blocks to each column in the multicolumn section, namely:

  • Image

  • Icon

  • Heading

  • Text

  • Button

  • Add to cart button

  • Buy now button

  • Block

  • Custom code

Last updated